CLANDESTINE RENDEZVOUS novel by Joel Goulet - Free Advertising

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CLANDESTINE RENDEZVOUS novel by Joel Goulet (Tokyo, Japan)

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There’s something about an inmate that suddenly vanishes from a prison that has raised red flags within several clandestine branches of government and has drawn the attention of two assassins hell bent on killing him. Caught between the killers and government agents an investigative reporter can’t help but wonder, why all the attention to a missing inmate? What’s so special about him? Why are the assassins trying to kill him, and why is the government trying hard to keep the inmate missing instead of taking him back to prison? And most importantly, why is everyone trying to kill the reporter? Available in eBook and paperback depending upon country. For more information about all of Goulet’s novels please click on or copy-paste the provided link into your web browser: link text


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